Senior citizens who are 60 years old and above and who are born in Selangor or stay in the state for more than 15 years are eligible to apply.
The form can be obtained at the DUN office of respective area that the senior citizen resides.

The senior citizen need not go to the DUN office for application submission (as it may not be convenient for them to travel due to old age or sickness), thereby his family member may collect form and submit the filled form at the DUN office of the area where the senior citizen is resides.
Application must be submitted with the following documents:
a) Mesra Usia Emas Application Form
b) Photocopy Identity Card of the Senior Citizen to be registered (2 copies)
c) Photocopy of Guardian’s Identity Card (2 copies)
d) Photocopy of Beneficiary’s Identity Card (2 copies)
It is important to make sure that the officer in charges of accepting the application form has put a chop on the Identity Card titled “Mesra Usia Emas Selangor Darul Ehsan” to avoid misuse of the Identity Card.
The application form has 3 carbonized copies and the officer in charges will acknowledge receipt of the form and return the yellow copy of the form to the applicants for reference and safe-keeping.
They will not send out any other documentation, so it is essential to keep the yellow copy of the application form in a proper manner as this is the only proof that the senior citizen is already being registered and entitled to the scheme.